Komoditní statistiky

30.10.2002 | , Colosseum, a.s.

perex-img Zdroj: Finance.cz

-------------------------Thursday, October 31------------------- 0830 ET (1230 GMT): USDA export sales for week en...

-------------------------Thursday, October 31------------------- 0830 ET (1230 GMT): USDA export sales for week ended Oct 24 1030 ET (1430 GMT): US DOE natural gas storage for wk ended Oct 25 1100 ET (1500 GMT): US DLA platinum group metal sales 1230 ET (1630 GMT): HCGA daily grain closing prices 1400 ET (1800 GMT): AAR weekly railroad traffic report for wk ended Oct 26 1500 ET (1900 GMT): USDA agriculture prices for Oct 1700 ET (2100 GMT): NYMEX closing estimated volumes --------------------------Friday, November 1-------------------- 0830 ET (1230 GMT): USDA weekly cheese/milk/whey product prices report for wk ended Oct 26 1100 ET (1500 GMT): US DLA platinum group metal sales 1230 ET (1630 GMT): HCGA daily grain closing prices 1500 ET (1900 GMT): USDA poultry slaughter for Oct 1500 ET (1900 GMT): USDA grain under loan for wk ended Oct 29 1700 ET (2100 GMT): NYMEX closing estimated volumes --------------------------Monday, November 4--------------------- 0500 ET (0900 GMT): Strategies Grains EU grain supply and demand for Nov 0600 ET (1000 GMT): ONIC\'s French supply and demand Nov 1100 ET (1500 GMT): USDA weekly grain inspections report for wk ended Oct 31 1100 ET (1500 GMT): US DLA platinum group metal sales 1230 ET (1630 GMT): HCGA daily grain closing prices 1430 ET (1900 GMT): US American Iron and Steel Institute\'s steel production report for period ended Nov 2 1500 ET (1900 GMT): USDA dairy products for Oct 1500 ET (1900 GMT): USDA egg products for Oct 1600 ET (2000 GMT): USDA weekly crop progress for period ended Nov 3 1700 ET (2100 GMT): NYMEX closing estimated volumes -------------------------Tuesday, November 5-------------------- 1100 ET (1500 GMT): US DLA platinum group metal sales 1130 ET (1530 GMT): US DLA offers zinc for sale (BOA) 1200 ET (1700 GMT): USDA weekly weather-crop summary for period ended Nov 3 1230 ET (1630 GMT): HCGA daily grain closing prices 1430 ET (1830 GMT): US DLA offers tin for sale (BOA) 1600 ET (2000 GMT): US DLA offers rubber for sale (BOA) 1600 ET (2000 GMT): American Petroleum Institute\'s US oil statistics for week ended Nov 1 1700 ET (2100 GMT): NYMEX closing estimated volumes ------------------------Wednesday, November 6------------------- 0900 ET (1300 GMT): DOE petroleum statistics for wk ended Nov 1 1100 ET (1500 GMT): US DLA platinum group metal sales 1130 ET (1530 GMT): US DLA offers ferrochromium for sale (BOA) 1230 ET (1630 GMT): HCGA daily grain closing prices 1300 ET (1700 GMT): US DLA offers lead for sale (BOA) 1330 ET (1730 GMT): US DLA offers cobalt for sale (BOA) 1500 ET (1900 GMT): USDA broiler hatchery report for week ended Nov 2 1700 ET (2100 GMT): NYMEX closing estimated volumes -------------------------Thursday, November 7------------------- 0830 ET (1230 GMT): USDA export sales for week ended Oct 31 1030 ET (1430 GMT): US DOE natural gas storage for wk ended Nov 1 1100 ET (1500 GMT): US DLA platinum group metal sales 1230 ET (1630 GMT): HCGA daily grain closing prices 1400 ET (1800 GMT): AAR weekly railroad traffic report for wk ended Nov 2 1700 ET (2100 GMT): NYMEX closing estimated volumes --------------------------Friday, November 8-------------------- 0830 ET (1230 GMT): USDA weekly cheese/milk/whey product prices report for wk ended Nov 2 1100 ET (1500 GMT): US DLA platinum group metal sales 1230 ET (1630 GMT): HCGA daily grain closing prices 1500 ET (1900 GMT): USDA grain under loan for wk ended Nov 5 1500 ET (1800 GMT): USDA milkfat prices for period ending Nov 2 1700 ET (2100 GMT): NYMEX closing estimated volumes

Autor článku

Arnošt Plecháč  

Články ze sekce: INVESTICE